Chaos is a turn-based, tactical game. The aim of the game is to defeat all the other wizards by using magical spells and summoning creatures. Illusions are easy to cast, but can be just as easily disbelieved. A real Golden Dragon is a fearsome ally. Based on the 1985 ZX Spectrum game by Julian Gollop. Advert free.
If the game fails to run on your Android device, please send me an email and we'll try and work out what the problem is.
Chaos adalah turn-based, permainan taktis. Tujuan dari permainan ini adalah untuk mengalahkan semua penyihir lain dengan menggunakan mantra magis dan memanggil makhluk. Ilusi mudah untuk cor, tetapi dapat dengan mudah kafir. A real Golden Dragon adalah sekutu menakutkan. Berdasarkan 1985 ZX Spectrum game by Julian Gollop. Advert gratis.
Jika permainan gagal untuk berjalan pada perangkat Android Anda, silakan kirim email dan kami akan mencoba dan mencari apa masalahnya.
Chaos is a turn-based, tactical game. The aim of the game is to defeat all the other wizards by using magical spells and summoning creatures. Illusions are easy to cast, but can be just as easily disbelieved. A real Golden Dragon is a fearsome ally. Based on the 1985 ZX Spectrum game by Julian Gollop. Advert free.
If the game fails to run on your Android device, please send me an email and we'll try and work out what the problem is.